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Rockwool Blanket

Update Terakhir
08 / 09 / 2021
Min. Pembelian
1 Lembar


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Detail Rockwool Blanket


Spesifikasi Produk :
Rockwool Blanket Max. Service Temp ( 0C) 650
Bulk Density ( Kg/ M3 ) 25, 40, 80, 100, 120
Available Size Thk. ( Mm ) 25, 40, 50, 75, 100
Available Size Width ( Mm ) 600, 900
Available Size Length ( Mm ) 4000, 5000, 6000, 8000.

When water testing makes sense?

Well, the simple answer is, all the time. You never know when your water quality might change. But here are some key events you may want to keep in mind as a red flag to test your water:

  • Change to your water's colour, taste, or odour
  • Your family is growing
  • Unexplained gastrointestinal illness in anyone who has been drinking your water
  • Your moving into a new home

For private well owners, basic testing for bacteria and nitrates is recommended by public health authorities, like the EPA or Health Canada, at least once a year. Other contaminants you may only need to test for once, such as hardness or iron, or infrequently, like radon. But this will depend on the prevalence of naturally occurring substances in the groundwater in your area. Again, your local public health department can provide specific guidance.

Where to test?


Public health units often provide testing. Otherwise, check your local listings for a certified laboratory that specializes in potable water tests. Regardless, you will want to obtain a testing kit with a sterile sample bottle. Follow the instructions carefully to make sure you don’t accidentally contaminate the sample, which could impact the test results. Consider where you take the actual water sample – at the wellhead, before any water treatment equipment, or at the tap. 

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